For Over 36 Years Auto Finance Has Been Our Only Business
First Investors has created a unique business model that encompasses indirect and direct lending as well as portfolio acquisitions and third party servicing.
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Core Values
Fundamental to our mission are our core values

Think Like an Owner
Balance Quality and Quantity
Document, Refine, and Reengineer Systems, Processes, Practices and Services
Take Responsibility and Be Accountable
Conduct Business in a Professional Manner with Honesty and Integrity
Provide a Safe, Productive, and Rewarding Work Environment
Develop and Maintain Profitable Relationships with Customers
Inspire Involvement and Teamwork
Create a Clear, Sustainable Competitive Advantage
Encourage Honest, Open Communication
Embrace Innovation, Creativity and Change
Respect structure and reporting relationships yet ensure that organizational boundaries never become a barrier to success
Investor Relations
Clear And Concise Financial Information
For information regarding First Investors' financials, bond offerings, performance and
other information, please contact
Bennie H. Duck,
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer,